Interior design myths prevail, ranging from theories on what you can and can’t do with designs to which patterns should be used in small spaces. Although certain interior design concepts are extremely useful to adopt, many are entirely out of date.
Let’s break down some of the most common ones:
White for small rooms
Contrary to popular belief, many rooms should be painted in darker shades. Rather than painting the room out with white, a darker shade provides a cozy and pleasurable atmosphere. In fact, dark paint doesn’t make rooms smaller; rather, it creates the appearance of a wider space.
Wood paneling only works for country homes
Although it is mostly used in farmhouses, wooden paneling can also be used in urban furnishings. It softens the edges of modern furniture and sharp forms without sacrificing beauty, and it looks better when decorated in neutral shades.
Wallpaper and wood are not for bathrooms
wallpaper and wood paneling actually fit well in a bathroom. For a sleek and classic look, pair a lovely patterned wallpaper with half-height paneling and use an adhesive behind the panels to reduce the impact of humidity and moisture.